# How to Get Support

Need help? Is the website misbehaving? Can't get in touch with your coach? Something not clear? Just drop us a line at support@biblefirst.online

# Known Issues

Bible First Online is a work in progress. There are several things we'd like to fix or improve, but just haven't gotten around to them yet. Here are some of them, in no particular order:

# Comment Notification

Right now, if a student or coach comments on a quiz, no one gets notified. We plan to enable email notifications for comments.

# Comment Visibility

Currently, all quiz comments are collapsed by default, and the only visual cue that there is a comment on given answer is something besides a zero in the little Comments (0) link. In the future, we will make it easier to spot comments.

# Answer Keys

Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to juggle a separate PDF answer key, and the answers were just right there on the grading page? Yeah, we think so too. We just haven't had the time to build that yet!

# Access to Lessons for Coaches

There is currently no way for a coach to view the Bible First lessons. While hard copies (opens new window) of the lessons can be purchased, a coach really needs to be able to see exactly what the students are seeing. And we intend to do just that! In the mean time, if you are a coach, and you don't want to buy hard copies of the lessons, contact us to request PDF copies.