# Account Settings

To get to your account settings, click this link (opens new window) or click the avatar in the top navigation panel, and then click Settings.


Most of the settings have to do with reminders. If you aren't familiar with how reminders work, hop on over to the reminders page to read up on things.

# Inactivity Thresholds

The inactivity settings have to do with how long the system waits before flagging a student as inactive. There are three different settings for the three different types of students: online, offline, and hybrid.

  • Online students are the ones that are doing everything online. They read their lessons online and they answer their quizzes online. By default, their inactivity threshold is the shortest.

  • Offline students are the ones who get physical lessons, and fill out paper quizzes. By default, their inactivity threshold is the longest, because usually those lessons and quizzes are getting sent back and forth via mail, which takes longer.

  • Hybrid students are those that get physical lessons sent to them, but have an online account, and answer their quizzes online. Their inactivity threshold is set between that of online and offline students, as they only have to wait for the mail in one direction.

In the case of online and hybrid students, once they become inactive, the system automatically sends them a reminder via email. If the student is an offline student, the system will prompt you to send them a reminder via mail.

# Reminders

Reminder settings have to do with how long the system waits before sending another reminder to an inactive student. (Or, in the case of offline students, how long the system waits before prompting you to send anther reminder.)

The last reminder setting lets you set the maximum amount of times a reminder will be sent to a student.

# Outbox

If there is anything physical that needs to be sent to a student, it will show up in the outbox until it is sent. After a given number of days (which is controlled by this setting), the system will flag it as past-due and highlight it in red, as is the case with John Henry's Lesson 6 in the screenshot below.


If you don't see an outbox in your system, don't panic! The outbox is only visible if you have offline or hybrid students.

# Recently Registered Students

This setting is a relic of a previous iteration of Bible First Online. Feel free to change it all day long, as it won't affect anything. It will be removed in the future, so have fun with it while you can!

Last Updated: 4/23/2021, 12:49:07 PM